Sunday, 18 September 2016

My Blogging Plans!?

Hi, it's Meg. I'm doing something different today as you can tell...

Currently, it's 3pm on Saturday and I'm sat in bed because I'm ill. I've been sick for a few days now which is annoying but has given me some time to think about blogging and what it means to me. My computer is also broken meaning I have write posts from a different computer, I've currently got my dad's computer in my room to use. However, this shouldn't be an excuse because I love blogging too much! So, I am going to carry on blogging and there WILL ALWAYS be a post on Friday at 6pm! There may even be some more during the week, depending on how much school work I have. I also am doing some collabs and guest posts soon and if you'd like to collab you see how to contact me on the contact page on the side of my blog home screen. 

That's it! This was just a little plan for my blog for the foreseeable future! I hope you don't mind.  Make sure to follow me on bloglovin' Bye! 

Friday, 9 September 2016

What's In My School Bag 2016?

Hi, it's Meg and it's my second and last back to school post today! Today I'm doing 'What's in my School Bag'. I really enjoying reading these types of posts because I like to see what other people bring to school. Anyway, let's get on with the post.
I said in my last post that I was going to use my navy Longchamp as my school bag but I found one in Deichmann that I really liked and to be honest I didn't want to use my Longchamp in case it got dirty as it was quite expensive! The bag i'm using is a plain black tote with woven detailing and an adjustable shoulder strap. I will use the shoulder strap more than the other one because it's easier for me and with the amount I carry to school - it will already be to heavy to hold! The bag was £17.99 and it is good quality and will -hopefully- last all year so i don't mind the price that much. You can check out the bag here.
This is what the bag look likes and it's so simple and just what i like for school! It's the perfect size to fit everything I take to school in; i'll show you what's inside now!
This the first kind of category I have for stuff I take to school and these stuff are school necessities! I have my pencil case from Wilkonsons which is filled to the brim! All my school supplies are from Wilkos and can we just take a moment to appreciate this photo! It took me like an hour to position this because the pencil case is so ugly!! I don't know what i've just said but I'm proud this photo looks semi-decent - bloggers will understand this struggle! I've also got a little notebook that i'll probably keep in my blazer to take to lessons. This notebook was only 75p! I also have Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier as we are alwyas told to carry a book round and it could take up to 2 weeks for me to get a book from the library as the school runs on a 2 week timetable. I also am really excited to read this book!
The next kind of category is beauty! I keep this all in my little Zoella Beauty coin purse in the frosted pinky colour with the black outline of beauty stuff - I hope you get which one I mean! And all these products fit in it. I have a deodorant, really old tinted lip balm (i'm not sure what it's called because the name and packaging has rubbed off), another lip balm, Lush charity pot hand and body lotion, oil blotting sheets because I shine more than the sun - no exaggeration and some bobbles and clips for when the once I have in brake or come out and I lose them!
Next, I have some random stuff not in any category. I have a brush and mirror set thing from Primark i got for £1.50 because my hair is always so mad at school! I then have a pack of 25 travel wipes my mum got me from Aldi and a Union Jack purse which I just keep my pop card and bus fare in.
Finally, I have 2 other odd, un-photogenic (!) items I take to school!! I have a water bottle with the letter 'M' on for Meg (obvs) which was £2 from Matalan home which I'll take to school because we have to bring a water bottle and I think it's good to have one anyway. I also have my plain grey Casio calculator which I'll take to school on the days I have maths and I'll probably keep it in my bag so I don't lose it!

That's it! I hope you have enjoyed this post and seeing what I bring to school. I went to school on Wednesday and I've had an alright week at school. Please follow me on Bloglovin'! Hope you've had a good week and I'll see you next Friday with another post!

Friday, 2 September 2016

Back To School Q&A

Hi, it's Meg. It occurred to me that I hadn't done a q&a at all and as i'm going back to school  on Wednesday I thought I'd do a school themed q&a. I asked for questions on my Instagram page @simplymeggx (give it a cheeky follow if you want!!) and i'm going to answer them!

Let's get on with the questions!!

@httpcasualty: What will you school bag be when you go back?
My school bag will be Longchamp Le Pilage medium handbag in navy blue (long handled). I used it last year and, for me, it's perfect as it's a great size and has a smaller inside pocket where i put a lip balm and some small change in. It is £55 from Selfridges and I got it for Christmas; it's slightly expensive but 100% worth it!

@h0lby.c1ty: What are you most looking forward to most/not looking forward to?
I'm most looking forward to my new timetable and starting different subjects - also for the new extra curricular clubs I can join. I'm not really looking forward to starting to get more homework and another language now i'm in year 8 but I hope I can thrive on it and the pressure put on me!

@zollie_kingdom: What is your favourite subject?
I'm not really sure to be honest, I enjoy English, all sciences and maths because they're all really interesting and teach us how the world works. I'm quite odd to say I don't enjoy art or music but that's just me!

@txhnee_x: Do you have a favourite teacher?
I don't and I don't think I ever will if i'm honest.

@zollieholbycity: How do you prepare for going back to school?
I usually get my school bag ready a few nights before and then on the night before school I make sure my room and everything is clean and organised then treat myself to a lovely bath and an early night! I don't really do much but if you'd like I can do a post on how i prepare for school.

@lifewith_alicia: Have you got any advice for bullies?
I've been bullied a few times before so I know what it's like. My best piece of advice is to tell someone: a teacher, parent - anyone you can trust and they'll sort it out and make sure to right things are to be done. Also, if you're getting bullied about having a blog/youtube channel don't listen to them, if you love what you're doing that will get you through it and bullies are always jealous of what the victims achieved!

@holbycasualtylover: What time do you wake up when you go back to school?
Usually between 6 and 6:30am - depends what time my mum wakes me up... (I sleep through alarms so my mum has to wake me up!)

@txhnee_x: What's your most embarassing moment at school?
Well... I was walking through the canteen with 2 of my friends when I tripped over a big cone and dropped my reading book so I lent over to get it - by this time i'd already attracted enough attention to myself - when I dropped my glasses case as well... I pick that up and look up to see both my science and IT teacher laughing at me! Not only that but I went bright red as usual! 

That's it for this q&a! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it's short but I didn't get many questions and anyway I have another back to school post coming next Friday. Remember to follow me on bloglovin if you want and I'll' see you Wednesday for a beauty related post!
