Wednesday, 26 October 2016

The Travel Tag

Hi, it's Meg.

Today I'm going to do the Travel Tag! I saw it floating round bloglovin' and all my posts have been autumn themed recently and to be honest, i've been missing summer A LOT!! Anyway, I tag Lexi The Newt, Emsi Rose and Girl Abroad Blog to do this tag. They are 3 amazing bloggers I recommend you check out! 

You are leaving tomorrow to start a life in a new country, where would you go?
I'd 100% go to Singapore because it's so clean, busy and there's so much to do there. Also, its in South East Asia and if I lived there I'd have the chance to visit other countries so close to it for example, Borneo, Indonesia etc. I also think the work ethic, heat and the Botanical Gardens are just so different to living in the UK it'd just be perfection.

You can take someone away with you for a weekend to a place where you had the best holiday ever, where would you go and who would you take to go with you?
I'd take my Nan back to Tuscany in Italy because the surroundings are lovely, the food is great and there is so much to do in Italy. Also, my Nan used to go there every year about 30/40 years ago and she had a great time so i'd like to take her back to relive the experience and for me to see Tuscany again.

You can get married wherever you want, your budget is limitless, what is your choice?
Jimbaran Beach in Bali. Food is perfect. Beach is perfect. It's all perfect. Click here to see photos of it. 

During your travels, you can bring back home one animal as a pet, which one would you pick?
Out of all the animals in the world? It would definitely be a cat. I'm so boring saying this but I just love cats way too much! I have two cats already and I don't know what I'd do without them.

You can go back in time and relive one family trip, which one would it be?
I went to Singapore, Borneo and Bali a few years ago and it was just the perfect 3 weeks. I did so much travelling, met so many people, created so many memories and it was the best 3 weeks of my life. It'd just be amazing to experience that again.

What is the first thing you would pack for a one year travel around the world?
Probably the Emergency Kit my mum keeps in the bathroom cupboard! It has everything you could imagine in - plasters, sterile wipes and more! I'd take it with me and more than likely keep it in my pocket all the time!!

What would your 100th birthday destination be, and why?
In New York shopping!! I'd like to go at Christmas though, even though my birthday is in March!, to see the opera and New York in Winter seems perfect!

During your travel you learn one sport to become a pro, what would that be?
It would be tennis because I'd get to travel the world and play an amazing sport. I love tennis even though I can't play it!!

That's it! I have really enjoyed writing this post and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Have an amazing night!
Meg x

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